Why cupcakes...???I'm a catering teacher but the funny thing about it is I hardly cook at home.My husband the chef he does most of the cooking in the house. For almost seven years into our marriage...I felt a little bit frustrated because I wasn't a great cook.At times I felt embarassed even amongst my friends that I don't cook...I got over it but at the same time always looking for a hobby or something I'm good at.
When I moved into our new house, I strongly requested an oven. My darling husband granted that wish. A bakery shop opened up.I was thrilled.I found my hobby baking..couldn't believe it.It might sounds weird or even corny,but making cupcakes in a way fulfilled and satisfied me in such a way. I have not felt like this before in a long long time.Noted that this life change took me 7 years to discover.All because of an oven and cupcakes...